“The Cinderella”
Tells the story of a servant girl stepmother and daughters. Change his life when he goes to the big dance of the prince. Got married and lived happily ever after.
- Princess = Princesa.
- Cat = Gato.
- Mice = ratones.
- Fairy Godmother = hada madrina.
- Float = Carroza.
- Castle = Castillo,
“Snow White”
Tells the story of a young girl who runs away from the queen. In his flight found a small house in the forest, home to seven dwarfs. To bite the apple Snow White Witch's magic, falls into a deep soil which may awaken with a kiss of love.
- Apple = manzana.
- Dwarfs = enanitos.
- Prince = Principe.
- House = casa.
- Witch = bruja.
Estefanía Mendoza
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